Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, belated.

It's been awhile since I've written. Mostly because I've been busy wrangling two adorable, sometimes sassy, kids over the last two weeks during my vacation from work.

Christmas was FAAAbulous! Katie loved opening presents, she loved her red dress (with matching baby dress) although getting her dressed was a bit difficult - it seems she's a little sensitive to tags and stuff like that. At first I didn't think we would be able to get her in it till someone mentioned putting a shirt on underneath the dress. Well. That worked (except the only shirt I could find, while white, had a little bow on the collar... in hot pink. It didn't clash too much and sometimes I didn't even see the bow but I knew it was there and NEXT year I will plan ahead and either buy a tagless dress OR a new white turtleneck for her) and she looked even cuter once she put on the long red and white coat that came with the dress.

Jake doesn't complain too much about what he's going to wear. He considers it a win if mommy is out of breath from chasing after him while TRYING to get him dressed. And indeed, chalk one up for Jake. Mommy was a little warm from the exertion.

We went to church first and while there I realized that I had forgotten... FORGOTTEN... Jakes bottle. And wipes. And... something else I can't remember right now. Bummer. But we made it through the service (after grammy took Jake out cause he was starting to "talk" and then I went out to see how he was doing and then John had to take Katie out because she was getting curious in a loud way to see what was going on) and then headed over to grammy and grampys. Mom and Dad went home to get their stuff and our food and stuff so that was helpful!

Had a wonderful Christmas Eve - the kids played with each others toys and no one got hurt... not even Paigey at the bottom of a Katie and Jake pile during our kid photo shoot.

New Years was pretty uneventful for us. Watched some of the New Years shows and went to bed. Cause kids don't care if you were up till 1:00 the night before and you're still tired at 8 o'clock the next morning with a fuzzy brain till at least 10. Noooo, they want to eat breakfast and actually converse! : )

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